A new analysis of the several partial skeletons representing the
Australopithecus sediba species has revealed a mixture of Ape and Human features. The 3 skeletons MH1,MH2,and MH4 are the remains of an adult female, a juvenile male, and indeterminate adult. They were discovered in 2008 in Malapa northwest of Johannesburg, by Matthew Berger the son of Dr Berger in a depression which indicates a collapsed cave roof.

The findings, focusing mainly on the species locomotion infer an unusual style of walking. Dr DeSilva has found that The heel bones represent that of a Chimpanzee more than Human. Suggesting it walked with an inward twist of the knee and hip with it's feet facing inward. However not all of their time was spent on the ground. They appear to have numerous adaptions to an arboreal (tree-climbing)lifestyle. Many more adaptions to tree climbing than are found in other Australopithecine species. Additional information gathered from the study suggest that the 3 individuals were related and died as a result of becoming trapped in the collapsed cave complex. Eventually there bodies were washed away into a pool along with Hyena, Saber-tooth cat, and Gazelle remains. This type of fossilisation has led to some experts believing that a layer of filmy substance found associated with the fossils is the skin of the individuals although this is as of yet un-concluded . All findings were reported to the Palaeoanthropological in a special presentation in Honolulu, Hawaii.
In recent years it has become much more apparent that our evolution is not linear as first thought but instead is branched. This means that evolution has not led up to us but instead that we are one of many branches of an extended family. We are constantly reminded that we are the best, not only out of the Hominids or primates but out of all life on earth. The fact is: We simply aren't.
There are many dominant species. For instance we cannot climb a tree as fast as a Gibbon, chase down a Zebra as fast as a lion, swim as well as a Dolphin, or reproduce as fast as Bacteria. We are the best at what we do. Thinking, problem solving, and social skills. These skills have led to our evolutionary supremacy over other species that have those skills. In the same way that Birds are the dominant design over other flying creatures. Which has led to the extinction of many other flying Vertebrates such as Pterosaurs. This is indicative of the way we have brought about the extinction of species how do what we do such as Homo Erectus and Neanderthals. Thus we are not the best but the best out our specific niche.
Native American legends state 'Man and animals used to be very close, then man thought himself better than the animals, so they quit talking to us'. This rings true in how our affinity with the Natural has wained. In many ways this loss could be responsible for our disregard for our planet a problem we are now desperately trying to solve. Therefore it is possible to conclude that our evolutionary arrogance is responsible for the way we have damaged the natural world. The view that nature is 2nd rate to us is wrong. Nature is a force that has proven many times in our past that it has the power to destroy us in seconds. Consequently respect and understanding of the Natural world is imperative and could define the only escape route we have from our never ending spiral of harm we are inflicting upon the planet and it's consequences. After all who knows what curveball nature may throw at us in future.